StockFusion Studio 2.0 is the new generation of intelligent trading advisor software using unique Aura Forecast Engine. Product grounds on many years of studies in nonlinear stochastic dynamics and turbulence theory applications to the short-term fluctuations of world markets performed in the Russian Academy of Science. It comprises the wide variety of market forecasting algorithms including seasonal ARIMA, Stepwise Best Regressions and Finite State Markov Automation offered as ready to use adaptive trading strategies with adjustable trading commission correction and threshold trade triggers.
Automated expert system instantly selects the best strategy for every market symbol by using elaborate nonparametric statistics such as Friedman coefficient, Hurst coefficient, fractal dimension, K-Sample and Kruskal-Wallis tests, Shannon probability, asymmetry, excess, correlation radius and many others. Applied together these tools allow to achieve unique accuracy in sharp trade signals ensured with true recurrent back testing over the whole trading history of each symbol.
Free unlimited data access to world stock universe is the courtesy of integrated Yahoo finance downloader service. Additional data sources include direct connectivity to Equis MetaStock